Jesus, we thank you for wonderful Mother Mary

Praying with Mary to Jesus

In our families, we are often confused. We are sick. We are facing problems - financial crisis, disturbances in our marriage, anxieties about our children and another 101 other problems! 

We do not know where to turn to. 

If we tangibly experience the presence of the Mother in our family, we will know where to turn to. 

Mother Mary will turn us to Jesus. 

And we will experience the intervention of Jesus into our problems and into our troubles. Down the centuries, thousands of families have experienced the powerful intercession of Mother Mary. 

They have turned to Mother Mary and together with Mother Mary, they have turned to Jesus and experienced salvation. 

That is what the Rosary is going to do to your family. 

O God, we thank you for giving us such a wonderful Mother.
A Mother to understand us. A Mother to be with us.
A Mother to take all our tears, all our problems, all our sins, all our sufferings to Jesus.
Mother Mary, pray for us at all times.
And together with you, Mother, we want to go to Jesus. Amen

On being Christ to the world 

Jesus you said,

being a disciple of Yours, caring and sharing is not an option, it is an obligation. I am obligated to care for everyone in need and to share all that is mine with them.

 “Go and do likewise”(Lk.10: 37).

By this the world will know that you are my disciples; if you have love for one another”(Lk.13: 35)
Thank you Lord for opening our eyes. There are so many around me who are sick, who are sad, and disabled. 

There are so many around me who are not cared for, who are humiliated, isolated, and despised, the least of your brethren. 

Jesus you want us to care for them as we would have cared for you. 

Give us the grace to look at them and recognize your face in them and to care for them, sharing ourselves with them. 


O Lord we praise you

"He did this so that they would look for Him and perhaps find Him through experiencing Him” (Acts. 17:27)

In all your Sufferings praise the Lord and be filled with the Holy Spirit.

God we praise you

For all our brokenness

For all our weaknesses
For all our unhappy experiences
For all our infirmities
For all our failures
For all our humiliations
For all our rejections
For all our economic burdens
For the failures and weaknesses of our dear ones
For bringing out good even from evil
For the grace of death to sin and the new life in the Holy Spirit.
Lord, after every trial and crisis. You give us the grace to come closer to you,
liberating us from our self-centeredness.
Lord we thank You; Lord we Praise You


God Our Father, we praise you.
God Our Father, we thank you.
God Our Father, we glorify you.   

Jesus, we praise You.
Jesus, we adore You.
Jesus, we Glorify You.

Holy Spirit, we praise You,
We adore You, we glorify You


Jesus, My Lord and My God

Jesus, My God and My Saviour

Jesus, My Lord and My Friend

Jesus, You are my Everything

Jesus, You are my True Love

Jesus, You are my Eternal Life

Jesus, I Adore You, 
I Love You, I Believe in You, I Trust in You, I Hope in You

Thank You Jesus, Praise You Jesus